“Planter’s Paradise”


It would appear that the larger rivers and the prominent points of land of the head of Chesapeake Bay had been given names by the English prior to the settlement of that part of Maryland. Elk River and North East River are mentioned as early as 1652 (Archives, Liber m, folio 277). We have already observed that Gunpowder River is mentioned by name in 1658, before any lands were laid out on its shores. The Manor of Spesutia Island, which was laid out for Colonel Nathaniel Utie July 25, 1658, is thus described: “an island lying near the western shore of Chesapeake Bay near the head of the said Bay formerly called Beare Point but now Spesutia, beginning at the southmost point at a marked oak and bounding on the east by the bay side 375 perches to a point called Beare Point. “Bear Point still retains its ancient name. Poole’s Island was surveyed under that name for Captain Thomas Morris July 27, 1659; but the name is older than the survey. A tract of land called “Planter’s Paradise” laid out for Thomas Cornwallis, Esq., August 29, 1658, is described as ” a neck of land lying on the west side of Chesapeake Bay and on the west side of the north branch of a river in the said Bay called Back River, the mouth of the said river lying west from the south end of Pools Island ““Planter’s Paradise,” it may be of interest to know, lies on Middle River between Sue’s Creek and Hog Pen Creek, and is the ” land of Cornwallis Mannor” proposed in 1684 by the Delegates for Baltimore County for the site of a town (Archives, Liber xm, folios 26, 86, 112, 139). remained in the Cornwallis family until 1731 (see deed, John Ross, g«nt., and Charles Carroll of Annapolis, surgeon, to Luke Stansbury, “Planter’s Paradise,” Balto. Co. Land Records, Liber T. B. No. A., folio 94). For the site of the manor see Unpatented Certificate 1199, “Paradise Regained,” Tobias Stansbury, 1754. Conquest,” a fort established on Palmer’s Island in the year 1643 (Archives, Liber iv, folio 275; also same, folios 230, 250, 291, 360, 361). Fort Conquest is mentioned as late as 1664 (Archives, Liber m, folio 500). Link


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